Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I have to be crazy

Sometimes I think I lost my mind..lmao! I have decided to take a temp job working at my husbands job. He wants to change to day shift..but the man that is leaving I will fill in for until they can find a suitable replacement for my husband and then he can move to days. Then I am going to find a full time permanent job.

I wasn't too sure I was up to doing 40 hours ..but after last week..I proved that I still have it in me. I hate getting up early but I love the pay check..so money talks..ya know. I will do my best to keep up with posting here..still have a scrap kit to finish..and I definitely still want to have time to do things on my computer..such as learning html and css. I am sure I can make the time to keep up. I just worry about my house..I know it is going to look like a tornado with in no time..hell it looks like it now..been trying to get it done..but kids have it trashed! It is a on going tragic event every day..lol.

Well I am getting of the keys for now..got lots to do and working tomorrow..so I will see you all soon..hugs Anne

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