Sunday, September 21, 2008

Beautiful Day

I received this beautiful tag from a friend of mine Cocojax on my fave site Raven's Friends..I hope it animates here not sure it will, if not I still love it. Thanks HON..for making such a great tag!

Here in Tennessee it the weather is changing and getting cooler..should start to see some color on trees really soon. I like the to see color on trees and walk out side in cool air. Back home in New York..the colors where very vibrant....and I am just glad I still get to see them here. The only sad part of autumn for me is I know winter is around the corner..but here at least it isn't so harsh..and I manage it a lot better...winter is a lot shorter here also. We still get some cold days..but mostly around mid to low 30's..and not a ton of snow. I lived in a little town in upstate new york called Delhi before moving here..winter seemed to last from early November to may..tons of snow and below zero temps. Although very could also be depressing because I didn't go outside much.

Today I am going to clean up some and cook..want to make a few apple pies..and making ham for dinner. Might even make some homemade bread..just seems like a good day to put on oven and bake. My kids still are turning on air conditioner..and freezing me to Right now our days are around 80 degrees but it drops in the 50's at night. Good time to snuggle up with a book and blanket and read..won't put on heat for a while Well got to to clean up a mess my two youngest kids made in my kitchen last night (made cookies). They told me .."we will clean it up MOM!" yeah right..they are sleeping and I won't wake them..rather clean now and have some quiet time..and kick butt later!

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