Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your Mine

Fonts of choice I used a font called candy buzz
and scriptina font for name

Tubes of choice
I used the amazing art of Olivia which can be
purchased at CILM and requires a licence.

Scrap kit by me2la Valentine's Day 2010

OK lets begin:

Open blank image 600 by 600

From kit using paper 6 copy and paste to blank image.

I used mask layer called bubbles..but you can use mask of choice.

fit to layer invert unchecked hide all mask checked
source luminance checked.

Using heart from papers copy and paste each heart and move to left of image..dropping one below the other and moving right a bit. On layers palette..set opacity to each heart to 60 percent..merge down so each is merge to other and then merge visible;

Using pink heart frame copy and paste on
image then drop shadow 1 and 1 opacity at 100 blur 2..duplicate.
drop one to left corner of image and
using raster deform tool..drag out until
bigger and to your liking.

Copy and paste tube and using raster deform tool
drag image inward and drop tube below frame

Copy and paste next tube of you choice
and using raster deform tool drag inward to fit to frame and
drop tube below frame

Add elements from kit to your liking drop shadow of your choice
and add copy rights and name as desired.
Merge visible then RE SIZE by 90 percent and your
are done.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So Sorry

Recently I had a comment on 4 shared about png format of my kits..I was willing to do one..but now my computer ( I have older 2000) is giving me a problem trying to re do files. I can't change from psp to png. Last night I went to psp and was trying to save all as png's and my computer froze..then I did hard shut down..came back with desktop recovery and a memory I am not sure at this time what is going on. I am hopefully getting another computer soon and as soon as I do I promise to do a png I ask if you would like to see png format please by all means come back in a few weeks and I should have one up. I realize that psp format will not work in photoshop..or some other programs..and I will try to fix that in the future perhaps I will do my next in png format since that is a univeral format. I need a new computer first please hang in there..hope is on the way in the form of income Hugs Anne

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Valentine's day is almost here since I am trying to recover from my computer crash I whipped together this kit for everyone..hope you like always have fun..hugs

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bad News

My computer crashed today..lost 2 kits I was working on..I have 2 computers but my kits where on the one that crashed. The sad part is..I was almost done with both and was going to post them up at the same time. Not sure what I have on this computer..but I will be working on this one to try to re do kits..hopefully it won't take forever and I will have atleast a new kit up soon..Happy New Year all. hugs Anne