Saturday, January 24, 2009
My header
Monday, January 19, 2009
Some Extra's

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New for Valentines Day Kit

Thursday, January 1, 2009
My first tutorial
Any resemblance to this tag and tutorial is
coincidental..written by me on Jan 1 2009.
Supplies Needed:
Scrap Kit by SeaChell..thanks hon here
FTU Natural mini kit
Tube by Kieth Garvy can be purchased at MPT
need licence to use his great work!
Or tube of your choice
Mask by weescotslass 155 click navigate then
go to download page Here
Ok lets begin:
1. Open new blank image 500 x500
2 Copy and paste paper 4 as new layer
3 Load mask WSL_mask 155
inverting transparency UNCHECKED, source luminance and hide all mask checked, checked fit to canvas. On layers pallette merge group and reduce transparency on layers palette to 50.
4. Copy and paste paper 1 as new layer.
drop below group layer on layers pallette.
5. Copy and paste frame 3 and re size to 70 percent..unchecked re size all layers.
6 Open tube and using rectangle selection about half of your tube..copy and paste it as new
layer and then drop it below frame layer...Highlight your frame layer.and select magic wand..then Selection
modify expand by 3 contact by 2.then selections invert. Highlight tube layer hit delete then select none
do same on bottom frame using second half of your tube.
7. Using color #5a1927 on both foreground and shape tool, uwe square to make a box just a
little bigger than frame , convert to raster. Drop below frame layer. Highlight frame layer once again then use
magic wand to select first box on frame hold shift key and select bottom box on frame..selections
modify..expand 3 2 then selections invert.
Then highlight square layer..hit delete now select none..and drop this layer below your tube layers..
8. Using flowers from size to 20 percent..add them where you want them..on each flower and
element..drop shadow..opacity 1 blur 18 vertical 6 horizontal 1 ,
Layers Merge visible
copyrights and credits merge and you are done!